Category: Poetry

Wild Woman: Come home to the wisdom within (poem)

Wild She trudged through the dirtFeet bare against the earthWith a warm, soft breezeCaressing her cheeks.Coming home to yourself is messy,She thought;She feltVolcanic eruptions of emotionBirthing a clarityShe’d been seeking all her life.Sometimes she’d strayedA bit too far onto the path,Mistaking her lifeFor that of someone else +The rocks stung her toesUntil she remembered. She […]

Tenderness, a revolution: a poem about love

To love is an incredibly revolutionary act. When we think of love, we often think of it as soft, and in our world, ‘soft’ has become synonymous with ‘incompetent.’ We hate on the soft spaces of our bodies, we value grit and resiliency above all else, and we ask men if they’ve ‘gone soft’ on […]

of the heart: moving towards a heart-centered world (poem)

and when they say we are moving towards a heart-centered world … first, there will be pain. pain, as all that is not heart-centered is revealed and stripped away. there will be the pain of not knowing how such ruthlessness could have existed for so long, the pain of being left in the dark and […]

the dreamer within: a poem for 2021

What does it mean to dream? I wrote this poem a few months ago when I was asking myself this exact question. I think any time we approach a new year, questions often emerge: what are we doing with our lives? What would we like to create for the future? Where are we going and […]