Zoom out this week to take in a broader perspective

This is the astrological update for the week of November 23, 2020. A 4-minute read.

Welcome to Sagittarius season

When the sun steps into fiery Sagittarius, everything begins to feel bigger, brighter, more lighthearted and fun! After the intensity of the last few months, especially this past Scorpio season, this new energy is a welcome burst of change – things are looking up.

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, Sagittarius is the luckiest sign of the zodiac. It represents the philosopher who asks the big questions yet knows how to not take life so seriously. As Sag sees it, humanity may just be one big cosmic experiment, so we may as well have fun while we’re here. Sag has no need to be perfect and no qualms about making a mess, so if your Thanksgiving or holiday dinner doesn’t quite go according to plan, it’s okay! Learning to laugh at oneself and be more playful with life is a timeless skill that never goes out of fashion.

Use this season as a time to expand your world view – zoom out and view the bigger picture as opposed to getting caught up in the drama or details of the day to day. When we zoom out and look at things on a wide lens, we can see how humanity has navigated through difficult periods of change before, and we will again. This makes our current situation feel a little less overwhelming and gives us a sense that this pandemic will, ultimately, come to an end.

As you take a broader view on your life and the world, you may feel inspired to learn something new. Sagittarius loves to travel, and while we can’t just hop on a plane and jet off to a foreign place at the moment, we can always travel in our minds. Read a new book, learn about a topic you’ve been curious about for a while, pick up a new skill or watch a travel documentary about someplace you’ve never been before. You likely have a little extra time to get lost in the wild unknown right now, so use it! Your future self will thank you for it.

The energy of this week is a lighthearted, jubilant orange light. Unlike in October, when the colour signified a warning, this week it is an indicator of the warmth and joy available to us in this season. Allow the celebrations to begin a little early this year! I think it’s important we prioritize our joy now more than ever.

Just be aware, Sagittarius has a tendency to like to indulge and escape into the pleasures of life. We can find a balance here – between the things that we know are good for us and the things we do for fun. That way, we’ll appreciate the experience more, too. If you have that same two glasses of wine each night, you won’t enjoy it as much as if you only drink on the weekends or at special occasions. Moderation allows us to dance between two sides of the same coin and be more present with ourselves as we go through life, makes us less likely to take things for granted.

Be conscious of your words – not just what you say, but how you say it

A free spirit at heart, Sagittarius has a tendency to be blunt, to say the thing everyone was thinking but everyone else was too polite to voice aloud.

This week on Thursday, we have the sun in Sagittarius trine to the small meteorite, Chiron, who sits in Aries. Chiron is known in astrology as the wounded healer – it points to an energy or area of our life where we have the deepest wounds, which also happens to be where we have the greatest capacity for healing. In Aries, the wounds that surface may be around self-identity, what it means for us to feel heard and seen, to have the space to be who you are.

If you feel tensions rise within you or your family this week, ask: how can you use Sag’s broad thinking to see multiple perspectives, crack a joke that reveals the truth of the situation, and lighten the mood through humour? This transit gives us the opportunity to gain some clarity on where we are hurting and what we can do to move through it, but left unchecked, it could lead our emotions to explode all over the place and cause unnecessary mess.

Be proactive by tapping into your internal dialogue and taking a breath before you respond to whatever is triggering you. Remember, however strong our emotions may feel, we don’t have to be at their mercy if we choose to see things from a more objective perspective. The truth in our head doesn’t always tell the whole story, and it’s okay to listen to what others have to say, even if you don’t agree.

On Friday, loving Venus in seductive Scorpio sits opposite rebellious Uranus in Taurus. You may feel the pull to change things up in your life, particularly in the way you interact with those closest to you, particularly with family or in your love life. Sit with any new ideas that pop up before taking action – in the height of emotion, we don’t always see things clearly and our impulsive decisions can have long-lasting consequences.

Dreamy Neptune in Pisces awakens from its retrograde

On Saturday, Neptune, who began her annual retrograde through its home sign of Pisces on June 22, will station direct before continuing to move forwards once again. If you’ve been experiencing strange dreams of feeling a particularly strong pull to explore your shadow, this these occurrences should lessen with the mysterious planet coming out of its back track and back into the light.

You may also feel a revival of those creative juices that may have been flowing a little more slowly in the last few months. Projects you started working on before or during the month of June will see a burst of creative clarity, and it’s a good time to share! What have you been working on? What have you accomplished? These things are also reasons to celebrate.

Sometimes the hardest part of the process is the end – for creatives who are driven to continue creating all the time, we are quite comfortable hiding in our workspace toiling away over a labour of love. But even the most reclusive of artists must, at some point, dare to put their work out into the world if they wish to have an impact. Now is a great time to do it! Channel your inner Sagittarius and forget about the end result for a moment, forget about what people might say or do when you put your work out there. Share from a place of love and joy, and your work will surely be well-received, even if only by a few people.

Your work, what you have to say to do, it’s all important.
As a very wise man, the Dalai Lama once said: “if you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.”

Go out there and take a step. And celebrate something ?